Sunday, August 16, 2009

Voki Avatars

Hello bloggers!

I have just been using the Voki Avatar software. I thinkit has the potential to be a great teaching and learning resource in the classroom. The Voki Avatar is an animated character that can be programed to speak typed or recorded texts. This resource could be used in any of the components of the Learning Design Framework (Oliver, 1999). These avatars are easy to create and could be used to read out instructions or information to students during research and completion of tasks. Avatars could also be programed to speak helpful hints and scaffolding hints to the students as they complete each level of a set task. They would be a great method of restating the task in simple ways to encourage students to work on their own, with slightly less need for teacher assisstance.

I have attached an avatar I created very quickly. They are an excellent resource, please press the link above and have a play on the voki site and see what you come up with, you will not be dissapointed.

Get a Voki now!

It would be great to hear some other ideas for Avatar uses in teaching and learning!

Cheers, Pete

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pete,
    I was excited by this tool...It has great potential... Could this tool be used inappropriately by students?
