Monday, August 3, 2009

PowerPoint as a e-Learning Tool

Hello Bloggers!

I have recently been looking into some of the uses of PowerPoint from a teachers perspective. This e-Learning tool could be very useful Task and Supports components of the Learning Design Framework (Oliver, 1999). PowerPoint, when used effectively, can be a great way for students to present information to a class as part of an oral, or written task. PowerPoint is fairly simple to use but would probably be better suited to students in the middle to upper primary classroom. They could also be used to support and guide students through their learning.
I have used this program several times and I still seem to find new things about it each time I use it. I think using PowerPoint as an assessment tool could also give us teachers a better understanding of students knowledge through thier creativity, as opposed to straight out writing tasks.

It would be great to hear how you have used PowerPoint in the classroom, and what grades you have used it with!

The following is a funny video I found while researching some of the uses of PowerPoint. It's called 'How not to use PowerPoint' and I found it on YouTube. I hope you get a laugh.

Cheers, Pete

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