Monday, August 3, 2009

Interactive Whiteboards

Hello Bloggers!!

Its time to dust of those interactive whiteboards again! Watch this clip from YouTube and just think about the possibilities for using the Interactive Whiteboards in your classroom. I was amazed by these ideas. I can't wait to see how my students and I can use the Interactive Whiteboard to enhance our learning in different units we undertake.

I hope you were as inspired as I was to see this. I used to not think to much of the possibilities of using this Whiteboard and I know that it simply gathers dust in my classroom at the moment, but I am looking forward to seeing how I can use it, and get my students to use it to enhance the learning in the classroom. I think it will be a great resources for many KLA's and could increase the learning happening in the classroom a lot. I know that many of my students are engaged as soon as you mention the word computer, so I can just imagin how engaged and excited about learning they would be if I made time for them to use the whiteboard. I think interactive whiteboards are a great resource for learning, and I have found this site which has hundreds of Interactive Whiteboard games for students to play and work through. There are many for each KLA and year level. I hope you enjoy! Let's get excited about using this great resource for learning!!

Great site for interactive learning - Copacabana Public School.

Cheers, Pete

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