Sunday, August 16, 2009

Online Quizzes

Hello Bloggers!!!

To Quiz or not to Quiz. That is the question!

I have been looking at some of the possibilities of creating and using online quizzes in the classroom. Online quizzes create the opportunity for teachers to create practice quizzes for students which can be made available to students outside of school. Resources like these have great potential to assess student learning continually over the period of a unit, while providing teachers with valuable data on the students strengths in learning and also areas in which the student may need more assistance or direction to further enhance their learning.

I have been looking in particular at the ClassMarker quiz site. Click on the link and see what you think. I have not tried online quizzes in my classroom and I would love to hear how you have used them in your units and, if so, how effective they were.

Cheers, Pete

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