Sunday, August 16, 2009

Animations and Simulations

Hello Bloggers!!

Today I have been look into using animations and simulations as learning tools in the classroom. There are some incredible resources on the web for students which provide interactive engaging learning experiences. Keirsley and Schneiderman (1999) placed particular emphasis on engaging students in learning to maintain emersion in the learning of the lesson. These e-Learning tools are a great way of stimulating engagement in any lesson and encouraging complex thinking from students in a variety of KLA's. Oliver (1999) also stated the need for multimodal resources for tasks and student choice in his Learning Design Framework.

These e-Learning tools are great and easily accessible for all students and are a great source on information and practicle aplication for students to get involved in. Have a look at the links below and explore some of the animations and simulations on the sites.

Pleas let me know if you have had experience using these tools in your classroom, it would be great to hear how they have been used.

Click here for simulation websites.
Click here for animation websites.

Cheers, Pete

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