Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Taggalaxy Picture Storage

Hello Bloggers!!

In a galaxy far far away, there were pictures...thousands of them!

I have been exploring Taggalaxy as a classroom resource and I think it is a great resource for all students. The Taggalaxy website is a picture storage and location website. Students can simply type in a key word into the tag finder, then watch as the stite guides them through a galaxy filled with thousands upon thousands of pictures. The great thing abut this website is that it is visually appealing, engaging and filled with great pictorial resources for learning.
Students can search for topics relevant to them and find countless pictures related to the topic of their choice.

There are some things which would need to be addressed with the students before they were allowed to search this site. Students would have to be made aware of the consequences of mistreating their choice of tag searchs. Teachers would need to ensure the students are monitored to ensure they are looking for age appropriate materials.

Have a look! You'll be amazed!

Cheers, Pete

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