Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hello Bloggers!!

I have just been on to the Bubbl.us site to see what it is all about. Bubbl.us is an online mind-mapping tool which could be very useful in the classroom. It is a free tool which allows the user to create simple, or complex, mind maps about particular topics. I have created a mind map to map out somoe of my thoughts on the site and its uses. Have a look at the mind map below and have a read. You may need to zoom in or out to see all of the boxes.

I think this is a great learning tool. It is simple to use and requires very little need for teacher instruction, and once students learn how to use the program they can mind map away. This is a great tool for encouraging students to think moree deeply about a topic, and a great way for teachers to see what students already know about the topic the student chooses. I think this is a very valuable tool indeed and I know I will use this one in my classroom.

Click on the Bubbl.us link to go and try this great tool out. I think you will be impressed!

From Bubbl.us

Cheers, Pete

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