Monday, August 17, 2009

e.Portfolio - Mahara

Hello Bloggers!!

What is an ePortfolio you ask? Watch this video for an excellent explanation of what an ePortfolio is and some of the things it can be used for. Then read on!

ePortfolios are a great tool for collating and managing the information we come in contact with and want to share with others. This is an excellent tool for use in the classroom. This tool is probably better suited to upper primary students as it will needs competent skills to use. One such ePortfolio tool is Mahara. I have only used this site a little bit in my studies, but I look forward to increasing my knowledge about it so I can successfully use this tool in my classroom.

This is a great resource for learning and also monitoring learning in the classroom. It has great potential as a detailed method of assessment through the collation of dicussion notes, pictures, files and other particular sources.

Please let me know if you have used something similar to this in your classroom. It would be great to hear about how you have used it and how and why they were successful.

Watch this clip for an introduction to Mahara and some of its uses.

Cheers, Pete

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