Monday, August 17, 2009

WIKIPedia - Online Encyclopedia's

Hello Bloggers!!

WIKIPedia is an online encyclopedia to which anyone can contribute information, however there are regulations which ensure the posting of valid information. This is an excellent source of information for students to explore through when completing tasks. There is a great range of information and point of views to help students think critically about the information presented to them.

I think this would be a great resource in the classroom as it supplies great range of fairly simple to read information. Students can easily navigate through the pages to search for the topic relevant to them, which helps to engage students in learning according to the Engagement Theory (Keirsley and Schneiderman, 1999). With scaffolded support students can be successfully engaged in meaningful learning tasks while maintaining a high level of independent study.

As with all encyclopedias, teachers would need to put rules in place to ensure student safety in regards to what they are searching for. But once this has been discussed and put in place with the students they can be left, though still monitored, to complete their individual study about their chosen topic.

Click on the link above to navigate to the WIKIPedia website and try searching for some of your current learning topics in school. See what you think. I hope you enjoy!!!

Cheers, Pete

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