Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello Bloggers!!

Watch this everyone! Then read on!


VoiceThread is a great site to help encourage and facilitate indepth discussions about topics, videos, pictures and other things. This e-Learning tool is great for recording dicussions and ideas students come up with during their learning journey. Facilitating discussions in the classroom is an excellent way to encourage higher order thinking (Marzano and Pickering, 1997). Students learn and discuss deeper understandings of the topics then simply listening to the teacher talk about the topic. This site provides great opportunities for students to be imersed in the learning of a lesson through debate and discussion.

I think this is a great learning tool for the classroom and I am looking forward to finding a way to incorporate this tool into my classroom learning.

Click on the link above to navigate to the VoiceThread website and do some exploring.

Cheers, Pete

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