Monday, August 3, 2009

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Hello Bloggers!!

Learning Managment Systems are on the menu today. LMSs are very useful systems which can be used to provide information on topic content and specific assessment peices and can also be used for providing students with opportunities to discuss ideas and questions with their teachers and peers through forums. I have had some experience with these types of e-Learning tools at university through the use of the Blackboard and now Moodle sites.

I think these sites are great systems for instruction and direction through learning. The systems are easy to understand and navigate through, which means they have the potential to be used by lower primary students as well us middle and upper students. LMSs are an effective method of providing students with information and activities pertaining to tasks and are very useful in supporting students learning, as required by the Learning Design Framework. LMSs can be used effectively to enhance students learning, and it can be used to encourage self-regulated and directed learning. It would be interesting to hear if you have used this system in a classroom as I have only seen it used at the university.

Cheers, Pete

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