Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Legal, Safe and Ethical Practices in ICT Learning

Hello Bloggers!!

Embedding ICT learning in the classroom is an incredible way of enhance student learning throughout units of work. ICTs provide countless ways of completing tasks, developing complex thinking skills, displaying and presenting information and collaborating with teachers and peers. However, when using ICTs in the classroom there are rules and regulations that must be put in place to ensure that students and teachers; remain safe from inappropriate outside sources, do not infringe copyright agreements, and participate in ethical practices while using ICTs. Here are some of the regulations that have been put in place by Education Queensland and other governing bodies to ensure legal, safe and ethical practices in classroom learning through ICTs.

Basic Copyright Rules
10% copying of information from online sources, books, CDs and DVDs. When downloading and printing information from print, web-based or disc sources a maximum of 10% of the information can be copied or printed for classroom use (Education Queensland, 2006).
Teachers and educators can use and distribute materials for educational purposes without infringing copyright laws (Education Queensland, 2006).
Teachers and students much source where all information has been colected from as not to claim it as their own which would infringe copyright (Education Queensland, 2006).

Education Queensland, and other educting bodies have astablished sites which are legallly deemed suitable for use in classrooms (Education Queensland, 2006). These sites have been checked for unsuitable material and must pass specific criteria to be quality assured (Education Queensland, 2006).

Here is a link to Education Queensland which you can use to search for more information with regards to privacy policies, safe practices and copyright laws to do with education.

Remember, legal, safe and ethical ICTs can greatly enhance learning in the classroom. There are so many great resources out there on the web to use, but we must ensure student and teacher safety.

Cheers, Pete

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