Monday, July 20, 2009

Vodcasting and YouTube - Video in the Classroom

Hello bloggers,

Today I have been using pictures, sounds and videos to create a vodcast. This is done by using a movie make program such as Movie Maker to create a short video. The great thing about vodcasting and creating videos is that students have the opportunity to see the instructions or tasks they are being given. Vodcast can be created on vertually and topic and will provide a great engaging learning resource for students. Vodcasting could also be used for assessment of students learning in that they could be involved in creating a video of them demonstrating particular knowledge identified throughout the unit of work.

Programs such as Movie Maker are simple to use and would be easily accessible for most year levels. The movies students create could also be used to get students to evaluate their knowledge and refine their thoughts in ways which would otherwise be difficult without video evidence.

To enbsure student safety with these uploaded videos students would need to be informed of the expectations of the content of the video and the consequences for inappropriate behaviours using the programs.

Video resources in classrooms are becoming an excellent method of engaging students in the learning taking place in the classroom and could be used effectively in each of the areas of the Learning Design Construct. I think vodcasting and video resources in lessons are a great source of engagment for students.

The following is a short film created by my small group to quickly show some of the possibilities of vodcasting and Movie Maker programs. Please let me know if you have used vodcasts in your lessons, it would be great to here how they have been successfully included to enhance learning.

YouTube and other Video storage sites on the internet contain many great resources for learning in schools. There are so many great videos out there which would be great for use in the classroom. YouTube is one of many sites which contain countless videos posted by people around the world. While there are many videos that are not suitable for students to view these sites are full of great information and I would encourage you to investigate some of the videos and how you could use them in your classroom. A great resource for teaching videos if TeacherTube.
Go and have a look, and be amazed!!!

Cheers, Pete

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