Monday, July 20, 2009

Delicious Learning Tools and Google Reader!

Hey bloggers,

Second week into E-Learning course and I'm continually confronted by new learning tools. I feel I am getting heaps from this course already. I have been using as a book marking tool for the sites and blogs I have been frequenting. I am finding that it is very easy to use simple to understand.
I think this learning tool has great potential in the classroom. If students can be taught how to use this resource I think their learning could be enhanced and made more effecient due to the readily available internet resources able to be stored on the site, creating great learning support and resources for completing tasks as outlined by the Learning Design Framework. This site would make navigating through research material much easier, and safer, for students, which would be especially beneficial to the students with greater learning needs. I think this tool has a lot of potential for use in the classroom. It will be interesting to see which year levels will be able to successfully use the site to navigate their learning more effectively. Please share any of your experiences.

Another RSS site I have been using is Google Reader. This site is great for keeping up to date with blog and news posts. A RSS like this would be great to help students keep up to date with their teacher's and peer's blog positings and support materials. The following YouTube clip explains the uses and set-up of a reader very well. I hope you enjoy!

Cheers, Pete

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