Monday, July 13, 2009

First Blog for E-Learning

Hello bloggers,

My name is Peter and this is my first blog. As a part of our e-Learning course at CQUniversity we are required to create blog entries detailing the list of e-Learning tools identified by the course resources on the CQU Moodle site. These entries will include a brief analysis of the e-Learning tool and how they could be used in the classroom in accordance with the Engagement Theory and Learning Design Framework as identified below.

The following link will take you to an article from the CQU Moodle site resources and i believe it explains the Learning Design Framework in an excellent, easy to read, way.

This next link will take you to another site from the CQU Moodle resources and provides a great deal of information on the Engagement Theory. I found it a very interesting and relivent reading.

This theory and framework, if used and embedded appropriately, can help to create meaningful, accessible, learning experiences for all students. By choosing an engaging, relevant learning focus, providing multiple methods of learning and ensuring appropraite levels of learning tasks, resources and learning supports for students, teachers can plan and teach effective and interactive units of work. The following blogs will discuss a variety of tools which could be used in units and lessons to enhance students learning.

I am looking forward to an interesting term in e-learning and discovering how to use and embed ICT's into my classroom teaching and planning.

Cheers, Pete

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