Monday, July 13, 2009

Learning Styles

Hey bloggers,

These are my results from a learning styles test I have completed from 'Free Learning Styles Online'.
These results would be about what i expected from the test, but it is interesting to see it all in one graph.

Style Scores
Visual 17
Social 16
Physical 17
Aural 18
Verbal 15
Solitary 15
Logical 15

It would be good to use this resource in my classroom to gain a better understanding of my students preferred learning styles. By combining their results on a collaborative class graph I would have an easily accessible student learning style reference. This graph and the information it displays will help me to consturct and design learner specific learning activities for my students to complete in the classroom. Knowing these preferred learning styles and using them to enhance my learning experience plans will hopefully result in better overall outcomes for my students.
This is an excellent resource and learning tool for the classroom. It is easily accessible and easy to complete. The learning style test also comes in a downloadable excel format which is easy for younger age students to access and understand. This excel format also comes with a text-to-speach option which allows younger students to listen to the questions and then respond by typing either 0,1, or 2 in the appropriate box. This is also an excellent resource for students who have learning difficulties.

Hope you enjoyed the blog.
Cheers, Pete

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