Monday, July 20, 2009

Blogs as an E-Learning Tool

Hello bloggers,

This week I have been reading into and using Blogging as a learning tool and I am begining to see how this form of learning tool could become very useful in the classroom.

This particular blogging site is, and can be reached by following the link.

The processes involved in posting, and commenting on, blogs is relatively simple which could prove to be useful for students of lower grades as well as the upper grades. Due to the blogs accessibility it could be very useful in helping to direct learning for assessment or even general class topics. Students would also have the opportunity to ask more direct questions to their teacher through the comments section of the blog, along with posting their interesting findings, this will help to direct and encourage higher order thinking from the students and thus provide more effective learning experiences.
I think there are many ways in which the use of blogs could be incorporated into learning and it will be interesting to try some of these methods and see how the students respond to this learning tool. Some interesting uses for blogs in teaching can be found here.

Look forward to hearing how everyone else feels about blogging as a learning tool!

Cheers, Pete

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